End-To-End Human-Flying Robot Interaction Supplementary materials for "UAV, Come To Me; End-to-End, Multi-Scale Situated HRI with an Uninstrumented Human and a Distant UAV" paper (IROS 2016)


This page provides supplementary materials for the following paper, presented in 2016 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2016).

“UAV, Come To Me: End-to-End, Multi-Scale Situated HRI with an Uninstrumented Human and a Distant UAV”
Mani Monajjemi, Sepehr Mohaimenianpour and Richard Vaughan
AutonomyLab, Simon Fraser University

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Source Code

“bebop_hri”: The behavior generator code, configurations and launch files for the paper (ROS package)
“obzerver”: Periodic Salient Object Detector
“obzerver_ros”: The ROS binding for “obzerver”
“bebop_autonomy”: ROS driver for Parrot Bebop Drone
“bebop_vel_ctrl”: Velocity controller for Parrot Bebop Drone (ROS package)
“bebop_vservo”: Visual servo controller for Parrot Bebop Drone (ROS package)
“autonomy_leds”: Firmware and animation engine for DotStar LED strips (ROS package)
“cftld_ros”: ROS wrapper for CFTld, a long-term visual tracker
“autonomy_human”: Short-range Face Engagement and Optical Flow Based Gesture Detection